A simple way to become an informed voter.
Voting is important. Being an informed voter is even more important. But who has the time or the energy to read through a lengthy, boring voting pamphlet?
Ballot Breakdown simplifies California ballot propositions and asks you a short question to help you determine how you should vote. We even consolidate your votes at the bottom of the page to help you keep track!
Voting shouldn't be confusing. With Ballot Breakdown, it never will be!
$9 billion bonds for improving K-12 school and community college facilities.
Would you be willing to pay more in taxes to help pay for building schools?
Hospitals must pay fees to help fund federal healthcare programs. Changing this policy requires voter approval.
Do you think the government should provide healthcare for its citizens?
The people must vote to approve issuing billion-dollar state bonds that would increase taxes.
Do you think the people should give the state permission to increase their taxes?
Requires that the state must publish a bill online and in print 3 days before it is voted on.
Do you think that the public should have access to proposed legislation before it is voted on?
Extends a temporary tax increase for another 12 years in order to fund K-12 schools and community colleges.
Do you want to continue to pay taxes to help fund public schools?
Increases the cigarette tax to $2 a pack. The tax money would go towards healthcare for low income families.
Do you think the cigarettes should be more expensive to discourage smoking?
Judges decide whether to try a criminal as an adult. Gives parole consideration to nonviolent criminals after completion of sentence with a credit system for good behavior and rehabilitation.
Do you think parole should be given to prisoners who have good behavior and are changing their ways?
School Districts must develop language acquisition programs with the help of parents and community members. Also authorizes dual-language immersion programs in public schools
Do you think schools should work with parents of students to learn how to best teach their children?
Asks if California representatives should propose to overturn Citizen's United v. FEC, establishing that corporations do not get the same rights as people.
Do you think campaign donations from companies should be regulated?
Requires the use of condoms in pornographic films produced in California and for producers to obtain a state health license.
Are you in support of safe and protected sexual intercourse?
The state cannot buy any prescription drugs from the manufacturer that is more expensive than what the US Dept of Veterans Affairs pays for the same drug.
Do you think prescription drug prices should be regulated?
Repeals the dealth penalty in California.
Are you against the death penalty?
Prohibits high-capacity magazines and requires that inidividuals pass a background check and recieve state authorization to buy ammunition.
Are you in favor of stricter gun control?
Legalizes marijuana in the state of California.
Are you in favor of legalizing marijuana?
Allocates the money from the sale of shopping bags in grocery stores to a Wildlife Conservation fund.
Are you in favor of increased funding for environmental programs?
Organizes and structures the procedures surrounding death penalty conviction petitions.
Are you against the death penalty?
Bans the use of plastic bags in grocery stores for perishable items in the state of California.
Do you think that plastic bags are harmful to the environment and that we should decrease our use of them?
Prop 51 | Prop 52 | Prop 53 | Prop 54 | Prop 55 | Prop 56 | Prop 57 | Prop 58 | Prop 59 | Prop 60 | Prop 61 | Prop 62 | Prop 63 | Prop 64 | Prop 65 | Prop 66 | Prop 67 |